Maid of Honor Speeches - Maid of Honour Speeches

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Maid of honor speeches can be daunting, even to a pro. But they can also be enjoyable. My best tips and support to help you get through your special day!

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Maid Of Honor - Honour Speeches 7 Great Free Proven Tips

If you have come here after reading some of my articles on public speaking and wedding speeches, thanks for taking the time.

If you haven't read any of my tips and articles before, I have started copying them here and you can see them below. Have a read, they will really help you out.

Now as promised for one of my favorite authors of maid of honor speeches.

As a speech and presentation coach, I use Dan's speeches a lot, I love his work. His bonuses are fantastic and I especially love the free hypnotherapy audio programme you get, which helps relax you and boosts your confidence. I just use his speeches, but he also delivers much much more to the anxious maid of honor.

I am always asked 'what should I write and where should I start? I advise to get Dan's speeches, pick all the pieces you like out of the selection that he gives you, and then write. Write around his quality and finally personalise it.

Yyou only get one chance to deliver a good speech, so to invest the price of a lipstick in it, is a good idea.

It will boost your confidence endlessly to know, that what you are delivering in your maid of honor speeches really works. Do take the time to check him out. Just Click below and this will take you straight there.

Maid of Honor Speeches - Maid of Honour Speeches 7 Proven Free Tips Below

Everytime I thought of my sister's wedding with excitement, the dread kicked in.That feeling in my stomach, (you know the one don't you). I even began to have nightmares about it!

Maid of Honor-Honour Speeches are delivered thousands of times every day, all over the world, by every race and in every nation. Ok, so that was a bit long winded, but what I am trying to say to you is this. You can do it, and you can do it well. There are a couple of basics you have to remember and get in place first though. Read my tips and advice below.

1) Don't Worry About Worrying.

I know that;s easy for me to say but did you know that the most successful maid of honor speeches are given by maids who worry and care about their speech? Do you know why this is? Because these people prepare, which leads me nicely into my second tip.

2)Prepare Prepare Prepare and when you're done preparing guess what, prepare all over again!

How boring, you wanted something magical, well maid of honor speeches that have been properly prepared can be magical. I have heard so many potentially great maid of honor speeches that have failed, not because of the content, but because the maid bungled it wholly because of lack of prepareation. But don't worry, because this is in your control and easily addressed.

3)Write Down Your Maid of Honor-Honour Speeches

Do not try and wing it on the day. However confident you are feeling, and however well you know your speech, you do not know how you are going to feel on the day, when you stand up in front of your audience. You probably do not realise that Writing out your maid of honor speeches, will in fact greatly help you to remember them. It's a known fact the simple act of writing something down helps your brain to retain it. (It actually sets up a neurologica path etc etc but enough of that you don't need to know it.

4)Bring Your Written Work With You On The Day

You would be so surprised how many people I coach forget to bring it with them, Arrgh! Give a copy of yur maid on honor speech to a friend or two. just in case. (If you don't want them to see it in advance just put it in a sealed envelope).

5) Read Your Maid of Honor-Honour Speeches

If in any doubt on the day, pick up your speech and read it, what I mean is, if you are feeling even a little bit shaky, pick it up and read a bit until you get your head back. Nobody cares if you do this, it's normal, the top orators in the world read their speeches, Presidents and Priministers read their speeches, so maid of honor speeches can be read too.

In fact, read the whole speech through, if you want to, if it makes you feel comfortable. Remember, this is about you and what makes you feel good.

Before you know it you will be enchanting your friends and family, delivering one of the all time great maid of honor speeches, trust me!

6)Humor In Maid Of Honor-Honour Speeches Works But Be Careful

Humor works great in two ways, it will relax you and it will also relax your audience and get their attention. It is good to use humor at the beginning for these reasons. My top tip when using humor is to use something tried and tested. There are plenty of jokes available that have been specifically written for maid on honor speeches so use them. They won't offend, and they have already been proven to make people laugh.

My final tip to you today is this?

7) Don't Try And Re-Invent The Wheel. You will notice I havn't given any advice or tips on what to put in your maid of honor speeches, well, that's because I don't necessarily recommend that you do.

When it comes to the content of your speech, for the price of a new lipstick, you can get hold of some amazing maid of honor speeches that are already out there. You can easily personalise them, take parts you like from several different maid of honor sppeches, and then tailor to suit your specialy day. Or at the very least, get motivated and take inspiration from all the words that have already been written by experts. You can be confident that these will work.

Your job on the day is to organise and deliver an effective maid of honor speech, not to be become a best selling author in your efforts. You have enough to do.

I hope you will take on board some of this advice, I have used it over the years in all my speech coaching and I know that these methods work. Above, I have given a recommendation for some great maid of honor speeches for your further reading. This has come from my extensive reseach into all material available over many years. Do take a look I have done all the investigative work for you. Remember you only get one chance, invest in this opportunity wisely.

Oh and finally good luck! Go girl and enjoy.

Click for Some Great Sample Maid of Honour-Honor Speeches